Nicholas Quinn is deaf, so he considers himself lucky to be appointed to the Foreign Examinations Board at Oxford, which designs tests for students of English around the world. But when someone slips cyanide into Nicholas's sherry, Inspector Morse has a multiple-choice murder. Any one of a tight little group of academics could have killed Quinn. Before Morse is done, all their dirty little secrets will be exposed. And a murderer will be cramming for his finals. . . .
BOOK with AUDIO - Colin Dexter - Inspector Morse - The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn (2000, FB2, MP3, 205.1 MB) ==>FileDwon, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 26 September 2015 02:14
BOOK with AUDIO - Colin Dexter - Inspector Morse - The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn (2000, FB2, MP3, 205.1 MB) ==>Uploaded, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 26 September 2015 02:18
BOOK with AUDIO - Colin Dexter - Inspector Morse - The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn (2000, FB2, MP3, 205.1 MB) ==>DepositFiles, 2robin1997( Karma:23036.80) 26 September 2015 02:18