Теперь можно использовать на итерактивных сайтах, а не только распечатывать!
Crossword Forge can now turn your puzzles into interactive web pages. We call this Crossword Forge Live. The puzzles are intuitive to use and include eye-catching animations that players will be sure to love. Crossword Forge Live puzzles include the customization options you've come to expect from our puzzles (e.g. picture backdrops). You can also add automatic hints. Whether you are making puzzles for print or the web, Crossword Forge is always the best choice.
Import Puzzles Are you worried about having to retype puzzles you've created using other puzzle editors? Stop worrying. Crossword Forge can import from many different text formats.
Export Puzzles With options for exporting to the Web, PDF, Images, or text, you can do more than just print your puzzles.
А вот тут обитают разработчики http://www.solrobots.com/crosswordforge/index.html