Written by popular speaker and conversation guru Fine (The Fine Art of Small Talk), this volume takes the reader through the steps of big talk, the entrйe of conversation after the appetizer of small talk that is required for times when conversational skills are critical. The book aims to help readers master the subtleties of conversation to their advantage, from skills such as knowing their audience, using silence as a tool and improving timing to upping the ante and dealing with stage fright. The advice itself is basic, yet readers may yearn for more nuanced guidance. In Recognize the Danger Signs, the author emphasizes elements such as eye contact and a firm handshake. Other tips are more advanced. A chapter called Up the Ante walks the reader through how to get a raise, while another chapter, Tech Talk, addresses how to properly use e-mail and other electronic forms, which extend the book's focus beyond talk. More buffet than entrйe, this volume offers some useful tips and others one could do without.