Changes regarding our Weekly Mailcast - Изменения в процедуре подписки на еженедельную рассылку
Published by: enetips610 (Karma: 0) on 17 November 2008 | Views: 1726 |
Dear friends! As you know, our mailcast containing to the latest submitted materials and direct links to the publication is sent every weekend. In your profile page there is a little change now: new clickable line "Unsubscribe from our weekly mailcast with the latest publications and direct links to the articles" (or "Отказаться от получения еженедельного уведомления о последних добавленных материалах с прямыми ссылками на публикации." in the Russian version). Simply click it if you want to unsubscribe - anytime. Once you have clicked it, it'll change to the opposite - if at some time in future you change your mind and decide that you want to subscribe again - just click the ''Subscribe to our weekly mailcast with the latest publications and direct links to the articles" and you'll be receiving our mailcast again.