Popular nonfiction is widely read and is increasingly important to the curriculum. Literature classes examine the literary characteristics of nonfiction writing, while social studies courses turn to popular nonfiction for information about social issues. In addition, public library patrons are often interested in reading nonfiction about particular topics. This guide helps students, teachers, librarians, and general readers identify popular works of nonfiction related to particular themes. The Thematic Guide to Popular Nonfiction provides alphabetically arranged extended entries on 50 themes, including: Adolescent Females American Dream Commerce Environment Genocide Islamic Women Leadership Poverty Race Relations And many others. Each entry defines and discusses the theme and provides a critical analysis of three or four related works of nonfiction. The entries list additional nonfiction for further reading, and the Thematic Guide to Popular Nonfiction closes with lists of additional themes and related works, along with a bibliography of major works on popular nonfiction. Among the 155 titles discussed are: Angela's Ashes Black Elk Speaks Cheaper by the Dozen The Day Lincoln Was Shot Fast Food Nation The Hidden Life of Dogs Manchild in the Promised Land The Perfect Storm Seabiscuit And many more. High school, public, and academic libraries will value this guide as an indispensable companion to popular nonfiction.