Тhe Testament, published in 1999, is about a 78-year-old man's last will and testament. This man,Troy Phelan, is the tenth richest man in America, worth about eleven billion dollars. His three ex-wives and six children cannot wait for him to die so they can get their hands on his money. But he has other plans and cleverly masterminds a hoax so that they believe they will inherit all of his estate. When they leave after the signing, he produces another will, then jumps out the window, committing suicide in front of his astonished lawyers. In the last will he leaves a small amount to his six children, nothing to the ex-wives, and a fortune to an illegitimate daughter, whom he has been unable to trace. A lawyer, Nate O'Riley, who is in the hospital for drug and alcohol abuse, is sent to find her in the jungles of Brazil, where she lives among the Indians in very primitive conditions. This daughter, Rachel Lane, is a missionary and a doctor. She has turned her back on the United States and is dedicating her life to doing "God's work." Nate risks his life looking for her, and when he finally finds her, she does not want to sign the papers and she does not want any of Phelan's money. Nate does not stop there because he is determined not to let Phelan's money-hungry family get Rachel's inheritance. After recovering from dengue fever, a type of malaria, he returns to Brazil only to find Rachel's grave. Before she died of malaria, she wrote a last will and testament, instructing Nate to put the money in a trust to be used for the World Tribe Missions around the world.