Did You Know? A few facts about Englishtips.org
Published by: enetips610 (Karma: 0) on 8 March 2009 | Views: 4302 |

There are a lot of features here at Englishtips that may seem pretty obvious to our 'regulars', but may very well come as a surprise to those who haven't been around for so long. I have prepared a list of FIFTEEN Did-you-know's - hope you can find some of them useful!
Did you know? Fifteen facts about Englishtips.org:
1) All cover images on the main page will zoom in to the bigger picture if you click them. 2) You can change your email address, your password, hide your email from others, share your bookmarked Englishtips publications, and even specify your gender - all in your Profile (click "Options" there) 3) You can view the status of the publications you have submitted - in your Profile, too 4) You can subscribe to our RSS feed and receive site updates WITHOUT actually visiting the site! Here's our RSS link. You can also track specific user's publications via RSS, too. Just go to his/her profile and click the RSS icon (for example, http://englishtips.org/engine/rss.php?subaction=allnews&user=ENGLISHTIPS_admin is the RSS link for the publications made by me). Another nice feature is tracking specific category updates via RSS - please see more on this here. 5) If you have a website, you can present our updates to your site's visitors by installing one of our auto-updating widgets. More on this. 6) You can view only unread publications since your last visit by visiting this link. 7) Ever wondered about how many articles are there on Englishtips altogether? Or how many comments? How many thank-you's have the users said? Please visit our Stats page. 8) Did you know that you can sort the Englishtips articles just the way you like it? The following options are available: sort by date, by popularity, by most visits, most comments, or even alphabetically! Please click one of the "Sort by:" links above the first publication in any page. You can also search all publications with a specific keyword (tag) by replacing the last word in http://englishtips.org/index.php?do=tags&tag=tag with a single-word tag. For example, http://englishtips.org/index.php?do=tags&tag=catering. 9) Did you know that we have a daily mini-lesson with audio, quiz and concept questions? Please check this page. 10) Did you know that you can view all publications added on a specific day by clicking that day in the calendar in the right-hand panel? 11) Did you know that we pay $10 to our authors for each interesting article related to English learning? (currently only in Russian at the moment, we'll be extending the contest to English in the nearest future). Please view the contest rules here. 12) Did you know that Englishtips.org is maintained by a team of devoted individuals who put their efforts into the project - non-commercially, not being paid for this? The only profit this site gets is from advertising. 13) Did you know that you can subscribe to or unsubscribe from our weekly mailing list with links to the latest Englishtips.org publications at any time? There is an option in your profile for that, too! 14) Did you know that of you click any other user's nickname anywhere in the comments, it will bring up the following options: link to this user's profile, link to a new message to this user, and link to see all comments made by this user? 15) Did you know that there's a whole bunch of smilies that you can use in the shoutbox? Please find the list below: