Grade 1-4 This book uses the same format as Read Anything Good Lately? (Millbrook, 2003) to demonstrate the multiple types of written communication. From an autobiography, a brilliant book report, and driving directions, to an outline of observations, a sensational speech, and a valentine verse, the authors go through all 26 letters of the alphabet. Each letter, in upper and lower case, appears in a box at the top of the page, along with the suggestion of a word that begins with it. A full-page illustration depicts some sort of writing. For example, A play to perform for our parents shows a scene from the production and includes a page of the script in the illustration. The volume can be used as a straightforward alphabet book, but older readers will appreciate the detail of the illustrations and recognize the writing suggestions on each page. Bright pen-and-ink and watercolor art is cheerfully appealing.
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