Intermediate level
Azar Grammar Series: Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd edition
Vocabulary Worksheets help students learn new vocabulary in the context of the grammar covered in the tables of contents of the Azar textbooks or any comparable syllabus. An Answer Key and Word List for target vocabulary are provided for each chapter. You may download, reproduce and adapt the material to suit your classroom needs. There are 15 pdf files in the archive.

1. Reading: Living in Space
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Opposites
4. Reading: An Astronaut’s Journal
5. An Astronaut’s Journal: Snacks and beverages
6. Present verbs: Vocabulary practice
7. Food categories
8. Vocabulary review
9. Which word doesn’t belong?
10. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: Giant Pandas
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Vocabulary practice
4. Reading: The Wolong Nature Reserve
5. Vocabulary practice
6. Which word belongs?
7. Analogies
8. Opposites
9. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: How Children See the Future
2. Definitions
3. A cleaner environment
4. Reading: A Green City
5. Vocabulary practice
6. Which word belongs?
7. Opposites
8. Vocabulary practice
9. Which word doesn’t belong?
10. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: Oldest College Graduate
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Vocabulary practice
4. Reading: A Book Review
5. Vocabulary practice
6. Vocabulary practice
7. Similar or different?
8. Conversation completions
9. Vocabulary review
10. Scrambled letters
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: Climbing Mount Everest
2. Climbing Mount Everest: Vocabulary practice
3. Climbing Mount Everest: Vocabulary practice
4. Reading: Adventure Tours
5. Adventure Tours: Vocabulary practice
6. Vocabulary practice
7. Word categories
8. Vocabulary practice
9. Which word doesn’t belong?
10. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: Youth in Ancient Greece
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Reading: Youth in the Middle Ages
4. Vocabulary practice
5. Reading: Today’s Youth
6. Reading: Youth is Our Hope
7. Vocabulary review: Similar words and phrases
8. Vocabulary review: Noun and adjective forms
9. Which word doesn’t belong?
10. Opposites
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: How to Be Healthy
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Vocabulary practice
4. Food groups
5. Reading: Ad for a Professional Job
6. Vocabulary practice
7. Opposites
8. Create opposites
9. Using can
10. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: Elephants
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Vocabulary practice
4. Reading: Pliny Describes Elephants
5. Vocabulary practice
6. Vocabulary practice
7. Vocabulary practice
8. Which word doesn’t belong?
9. Vocabulary review
10. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Geography Quiz
2. Geography Quiz: True or false
3. Geography Quiz: Vocabulary review
4. Geography Quiz: Vocabulary review
5. Reading: The Trans-Siberian Railway
6. Vocabulary practice
7. Vocabulary review
8. Vocabulary practice: Similar or opposite?
9. Conversation completions
10. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: The Invention of the Potato Chip
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Reading: The Invention of the Popsicle
4. Vocabulary practice
5. Reading: Blue Jeans
6. Vocabulary practice
7. Vocabulary practice
8. Vocabulary review
9. Which word doesn’t belong?
10. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Introduction to the worksheets for Chapter 11
2. Reading: Lara’s Blog
3. Vocabulary practice: Lara’s Blog
4. Hurricane Katrina: Lara’s Blog
5. Vocabulary practice
6. Reading: After the Hurricane
7. Vocabulary practice
8. Recipe for Beignets
9. Vocabulary practice
10. Which word belongs?
11. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: Personality-Type Questionaire
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Reading: Type A Personality
4. Vocabulary practice
5. Reading: Type B Personality
6. Vocabulary practice
7. Words that are similar
8. Vocabulary review
9. Conversation completions
10. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: Interview with Justine Henin
2. Vocabulary practice
3. Vocabulary practice
4. Reading: Jamaican Bobsledding Team, Part 1
5. Vocabulary practice
6. Reading: Jamaican Bobsledding Team, Part 2
7. Jamaican Bobsledding Team, Part 2: Definitions
8. Vocabulary practice
9. Which word doesn’t belong?
10. Crossword
Answer Key
Word List
1. Reading: Home on the Range
2. Reading: No Home on the Range
3. Vocabulary practice
4. Vocabulary practice
5. Reading: Chief Seattle
6. Chief Seattle: Definitions
7. Vocabulary practice
8. Vocabulary practice
9. Which word belongs?
10. Vocabulary review
11. Word search game
Answer Key
Word List
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