Let's Talk 2 (2001) Student's Book + 2 Audio CDs
Published by: thanhchung (Karma: 6.68) on 5 November 2009 | Views: 6041 |

Let's Talk is a three-level speaking and listening series that takes students from a high-beginning to a high-intermediate level. This communicative speaking and listening course in American English is designed to develop oral communication skills. The series includes a variety of interesting and innovative topics that encourage students to express their feelings, ideas, and opinions. In Student's Book 2, an intermediate text, topics include relationships, jobs, sports and games, travel and transportation, the environment, arts and entertainment, and humor. The Student's Book contains 16 four-page thematic units divided into two-page lessons. Review puzzles after every four units recycle key vocabulary. Activities are accompanied by full-color photographs and illustrations. This level provides between 40 and 60 hours of class instruction. A special Self-study section, including a Self-Study Audio CD packaged with the book, assists students who want additional practice.
Number Of Pages: 128
Publication Date: 2001
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0521750741
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780521750745
Binding: Paperback
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Tags: Students, 9780521750745, ISBN13, Binding, Paperback, students, Students, series, topics, speaking, listening, their, series |