The Duden Pictorial English Dictionary
Published by: Yanar (Karma: 8.05) on 22 November 2009 | Views: 4329 |

Данный словарь - переиздание в СССР выпущенной в 1981 г. совместной работы издательств "Оксф Юниверсити Пресс" (Великобритания) и "Дуден" (ФРГ). Словарь содержит около 28 тысяч иллюстраций отдельных предметов и их названия на английском языке, охватывает 384 темы из повседневной жизни, науки и техники, искусства, спорта, флоры и фауны и т.п. Словарь снабжен подробным индексом, облегчающим нахожение того или иного термина.
This pictorial dictionary is based on the Oxf-Duden Pictorial German-English Dictionary published in 1980. It was produced by the German Section of the Oxf University Press Dictionary Department in cooperation with the Dudenredaktion of the Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, and with assistance of various British companies, institutions, and specialists. Numerous modifications of the text and illustrations of the original work have been carried out, especially regarding the depiction of everyday objects and situations in the context of English-speaking countries.
There are certain kinds information which can be conveyed more readily and clearly by pictures than by definitions and explanations alone: an illustrations will help the reader to visualize the object denoted by the word and to form an impression of the way in which objects function in their own technical field or in the everyday life of English-speaking countries. The layout of the illustrations and the text will be particularly useful to the learner. Each double page of the dictionary contains a list of the vocabulary of a subject together with a picture illustrating this vocabulary. This arrangement, and the presence of an alphabetical index, allows the book to be used in two ways: either as a key to the vocabulary of a subject or as an alphabetical dictionary in which the reader is referred to the section or sections in which the word is illustrated.

Tags: O, Словарь, флоры, фауны, снабжен, спорта, подробным, индексом, Словарь, облегчающим |