Complete Audio Lectures Part 1 - A
Published by: softinka07 (Karma: 85.21) on 27 December 2009 | Views: 1671 |
List of lectures: A modern look at ancient Greek Civilization Abraham Lincoln: In His Own Words Aeneid of Virgil African Experience: From "Lucy" to Mandela After the New Testament: The Writings of the Apostolic Fathers Age of Henry VIII Age of Pericles Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age American Religious History American Civil War American Identity American Mind Americas in the Revolutionary Era Ancient Greek Civilization Ancient Near Eastern Mythology Apocalypse Now, Apocalypse Then - Prophecy, The Creation Of The Modern World Apostle Paul. Argumentation - The Study of Effective Reasoning (2nd Ed) Aristotles Rhetoric, Poetics, and Logic Augustine - Philosopher and Saint
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12-36 lectures each courses | MP3 36-200 Kbps | 7,5 Gb
Pass: englishtips.org
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Tags: leading, other, colleges, Complete, Lectures, Lectures, Audio, collections, accept, leading |