American Mathematical Monthly
Published by: giaythuytinh176 (Karma: 11.20) on 3 January 2010 | Views: 2213 |

Contains expository articles, covering all parts of mathematics, pure and applied, old and new. Includes mathematical and classroom notes, a section on the teaching of mathematics, elementary and advanced problems and telegraphic and film reviews.
Abstract: Articles, notes and other features about mathematics and the profession intended to include everybody who is mathematically inclined, including professional mathematicians and students of mathematics at all college levels.
The American Mathematical Monthly (ISSN 0002-9890) is a mathematical journal founded by Benjamin Finkel in 1894. It is currently published 10 times each year by the Mathematical Association of America.
The American Mathematical Monthly is an expository journal intended for a wide audience of mathematicians, from undergraduate students to research professionals. Articles are chosen on the basis of their broad interest and reviewed and edited for quality of exposition as well as content. In this the American Mathematical Monthly fulfills a different role than typical mathematical research journals.
Since 1997, the journal has been available online at the Mathematical Association of America’s website.
The MAA gives the Lester R. Ford Awards annually to “authors of articles of expository excellence” published in the American Mathematical Monthly. Dear User, your publication has been rejected because WRONG CHARACHTERS ARE USED IN THE FILE URL BOX (you have probably used tags or comments there). We only allow LINKS in that field - nothing else! Each link must start with a new link (click ENTER after each one if not sure). You need to fix the publication before we can approve it.
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Tags: mathematics, Mathematical, Includes, mathematical, classroom, American, notes |