Memory and Forgetfulness - Essays in cultural Practice
Published by: miaow (Karma: 8463.40) on 11 February 2010 | Views: 2916 |

Contents: Zbigniew Białas Mnemotechnics, "Projection" and Colonial Cartography: Enforcing a Comprehensibility of Strangeness
Tadeusz Rachwał History, Forgetfulness and the Illusion of the End
Ewa Borkowska Memory as a Mode of Return
Marta Krzysztoforska Platonic Anamnesis - an Echo of Spirituality in the Fallen World
Małgorzata Medyńska "Along the Fingerprints of Instinct" - Memory of Land in the Irish Tradition
Rafał Borysławski The Haunted Minds: The Obsession of Memories in Anglo-Saxon Elegiac Poetry
Jacek Mydła The Earth's Bubbles and Slaughter's Pencil: Macbeth and the Philosophy of Imagination
Maciej Nowak Immediacy, Contingency, Image versus Memorial Staidness in The Prelude
Jerzy Sobieraj Digging through the Past: Introducing the Novel of Reconstruction
Agnieszka Adamowicz The Janus Quality of Memory: Losing Definition and Forming Identity in William Golding's Pincher Martin
Tomasz Sikora Memory and the Paradox of Self (Blake, Borges, Beckett)
Katarzyna Ancuta Brains, Minds and Printed Circuits. Morning Thoughts on Memory and Contemporary SF Films
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Tags: Memory, cultural, Practice, Forgetfulness, Essays, Essays, Memory |