"One of the requisites for an actor is to be able to take the words off the page and make them his own. Lena Harris makes that ever so easy." – ROBERT WAGNER
LENA HARRIS, award-winning actor and renowned acting coach, has written these twenty-five original scenes for two to four persons to both train developing actors and showcase, to best advantage, their talents. Unable to find scenes from existing plays that would best exercise the dramatic skills of her acting students, Harris decided to sit down and pen her own dramatic situations.These riveting scenes, both comedy and drama, take actors through a dramatic arc of action in just five minutes, drawing fully on both their dramatic and comedic skills and their ability to portray, succinctly and accurately, characters and situations. Characters and venues range from yuppie professionals in a Manhattan bar to small-town Texas lovers to a convict locked up in prison. These scenes help actors to build their acting "muscles" in the classroom and are also perfect audition material, showcasing their talent for agents, managers, and casting directors.