The groundbreaking program for healthy aging through movement and flexibility.
In the revolutionary Somatics, Thomas Hanna demonstrates that so many problems we accept as inevitable over time--chronic stiffness, bad back, chronic pain, fatigue, and even high blood ure--need never occur if we maintain conscious control of nerve and muscle, a state which Hanna calls sensory-motor awareness. This gentle, lifelong program can help almost anyone maintain the pleasures of a supple, healthy body indefinitely, with only a five-minute routine once a day.
Summary: If your back hurts, read this book! Rating: 5
This book has offered me insight about a hip pain I've carried for years and helped me locate its probable source in my lower back. This is a how-to-heal-yourself guidebook that is simple to read and the exercises offered in the back are simple and accessible to anyone with a body who can read. As a yoga teacher, I've shared some of this wisdom with students and they are delighted to figure out how to release unwanted tension from their bodies. This is a must-read for body-workers, teachers of any type of exercise and for people who want to learn to move through the day pain-free.