Course No. 2300 (48 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture) Taught by Grant L. Voth Monterey Peninsula College Ph.D., Purdue University 1. Stories and Storytellers 2. The Epic of Gilgamesh 3. The Hebrew Bible 4. Homer's Iliad 5. Homer's Odyssey 6. Chinese Classical Literature 7. Greek Tragedy 8. Virgil's Aeneid 9. Bhagavad Gita 10. The New Testament 11. Beowulf 12. Indian Stories 13. T'ang Poetry 14. Early Japanese Poetry 15. The Tale of Genji 16. Inferno, from Dante's Divine Comedy 17. Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales 18. 1001 Nights 19. Wu Ch'eng-en's Monkey 20. The Heptameron 21. Shakespeare 22. Cervantes's Don Quixote 23. Moliere's Plays 24. Voltaire's Candide 25. Cao Xueqin's The Story of the Stone 26. Goethe's Faust 27. Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights 28. Pushkin's Eugene Onegin 29. Flaubert's Madame Bovary 30. Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground 31. Twain's Huckleberry Finn 32. Dickinson's Poetry 33. Ibsen and Chekhov—Realist Drama 34. Rabindranath Tagore's Stories and Poems 35. Higuchi Ichiyo's "Child's Play" 36. Proust's Remembrance of Things Past 37. Joyce's Dubliners 38. Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" 39. Pirandello's Six Characters 40. Brecht's The Good Woman of Setzuan 41. Anna Akhmatova's Requiem 42. Kawabata Yasunari's Snow Country 43. Faulkner—Two Stories and a Novel 44. Naguib Mahfouz's The Cairo Trilogy 45. Achebe's Things Fall Apart 46. Beckett's Plays 47. Borges's Labyrinths 48. Rushdie's Haroun and the Sea of Stories
GUIDEBOOK with AUDIO - 48 lectures - The History of World Literature (2007, MP3, PDF, 197 pages, 1011.4 MB), 2matroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 29 October 2015 01:25
GUIDEBOOK with AUDIO - 48 lectures - The History of World Literature (2007, MP3, PDF, 197 pages, 1011.4 MB), 2matroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 29 October 2015 01:55
GUIDEBOOK with AUDIO - 48 lectures - The History of World Literature (2007, MP3, PDF, 197 pages, 1011.4 MB), 2matroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 29 October 2015 02:16
GUIDEBOOK with AUDIO - 48 lectures - The History of World Literature (2007, MP3, PDF, 197 pages, 1011.4 MB), 2matroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 29 October 2015 02:39