One look at Barry's snazzy bracelets, necklaces, and doodads, and handicrafters will rush out for supplies. The idea that such dynamite-looking jewelry can be created at home is really exciting. Of course, there's a catch: experience in both beading and crochet is a must, despite sections on basics that Barry herself admits aren't really enough for beginners. But readers skilled in both crafts will have a great time. A full-color photo of each finished project faces a list of required materials, which is accompanied by a handy listing of page references to tips and techniques found elsewhere in the book. A scattering of diagrams accompanies instructions that carry crafters from setting the pattern and making that all-important sample swatch to applying closures and finishing touches. And if that's still not enough to whet the appetite, Barry concludes with a glorious photomontage of spectacular creations, a "Gallery of Bead Crochet." Add this beauty to collections where beading books are popular.