Change and Motion: Calculus Made Clear (Video)
Published by: Choboboy (Karma: 134.12) on 21 November 2010 | Views: 1145 |

"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty ... such as only the greatest art can show." —Bertrand Russell Why Understand Calculus? One of the greatest achievements of the human mind is calculus. It justly deserves a place in the pantheon of our accomplishments with Shakespeare's plays, Beethoven's symphonies, and Einstein's theory of relativity. In fact, most of the differences in the way we experience life now and the way we experienced it at the beginning of the 17th century emerged because of technical advances that rely on calculus. Calculus is a beautiful idea exposing the rational workings of the world; it is part of our intellectual heritage. The True Genius of Calculus Is Simple Calculus, separately invented by Newton and Leibniz, is one of the most fruitful strategies for analyzing our world ever devised. Calculus has made it possible to build bridges that span miles of river, travel to the moon, and predict patterns of population change. Yet for all its computational power, calculus is the exploration of just two ideas—the derivative and the integral—both of which arise from a commonsense analysis of motion. All a 1,300-page calculus textbook holds, Professor Michael Starbird asserts, are those two basic ideas and 1,298 pages of examples, variations, and applications. Many of us exclude ourselves from the profound insights of calculus because we didn't continue in mathematics. This great achievement remains a closed door. But Professor Starbird can open that door and make calculus accessible to all. Why You Didn't Get It the First Time Professor Starbird is committed to correcting the bewildering way that the beauty of calculus was hidden from many of us in school. He firmly believes that calculus does not require a complicated vocabulary or notation to understand it. Indeed, the purpose of these lectures is to explain clearly the concepts of calculus and to help you see that "calculus is a crowning intellectual achievement of humanity that all intelligent people can appreciate, enjoy, and understand." He adds: "The deep concepts of calculus can be understood without the technical background traditionally required in calculus courses. Indeed, frequently the technicalities in calculus courses completely submerge the striking, salient insights that compose the true significance of the subject. "In this course, the concepts and insights at the heart of calculus take center stage. The central ideas are absolutely meaningful and understandable to all intelligent people—regardless of the level or age of their previous mathematical experience. Historical events and everyday action form the foundation for this excursion through calculus." Designed for Nonmathematicians Every step is in English rather than "mathese." Formulas are important, certainly, but the course takes the approach that every equation is in fact also a sentence that can be understood, and solved, in English. This course is crafted to make the key concepts and triumphs of calculus accessible to nonmathematicians. It requires only a basic acquaintance with beginning high-school level algebra and geometry. This series is not designed as a college calculus course; rather, it will help you see calculus around you in the everyday world professor : Michael Starbird production land: USA Run time: ~24 x 30 min 1. Two Ideas, Vast Implications 2. Stop Sign Crime—The First Idea of Calculus—The Derivative 3. Another Car, Another Crime—The Second Idea of Calculus—The Integral 4. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 5. Visualizing the Derivative—Slopes 6. Derivatives the Easy Way—Symbol Pushing 7. Abstracting the Derivative—Circles and Belts 8. Circles, Pyramids, Cones, and Spheres 9. Archimedes and the Tractrix 10. The Integral and the Fundamental Theorem 11. Abstracting the Integral—Pyramids and Dams 12. Buffon’s Needle or ? from Breadsticks 13. Achilles, Tortoises, Limits, and Continuity 14. Calculators and Approximations 15. The Best of All Possible Worlds—Optimization 16. Economics and Architecture 17. Galileo, Newton, and Baseball 18. Getting off the Line—Motion in Space 19. Mountain Slopes and Tangent Planes 20. Several Variables—Volumes Galore 21. The Fundamental Theorem Extended 22. Fields of Arrows—Differential Equations 23. Owls, Rats, Waves, and Guitars 24. Calculus Everywhere
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Tags: Calculus, calculus, beautiful, exposing, rational, Change, Video, Clear |