City of Dreams
Published by: antichrisis2012 (Karma: 0.00) on 15 May 2011 | Views: 1050 |

The city of Jakarta is described as the "City of Dreams," by visitors usually overwhelmed by its sheer size, and the unique lifestyles of the people who live there.
Discover a collection of true to life stories from the "city of dreams," that may amaze, amuse, or simply confuse you. Find out what really can happen when East meets West in a downtown club, and explore the crumbling old city that was once Batavia.
Meet Chicken Harry an expatriate in love with the cities diverse nightlife, or experience a rainy season flood. Journey into Jakarta, with each unique story, and truly discover the city of dreams. Dear User, your publication has been rejected because THE LINK(-S) ARE MISSING. Each publication needs to have at least one working download link. Please see the RULES page (http://englishtips.org/?do=static&page=rules_for_publishing) for more detail. Fix your publication and send a PM to Admin or any Trusted Contributor, stating the publication title, so that we know it has been fixed and is ready for approval.
Tags: ancient, dreams, flung, become, Jakarta, through, Dreams, several |