This 4-volume set provides exciting details on key events, people and outcomes of 150 major Supreme Court decisions that have had a significant impact on American society. Case entries are three to five pages in length and describe events leading up to the case, key moments in the case, the Supreme Court decision and its relevance to today's students.
Also featured are helpful boxes listing key court details and sidebars providing brief biographies of justices and key court figures and important facts about the amendment or part of the Constitution being argued.
A good resource for English language learners and middle school students (age 9-12 and older)
Topics covered:
Vol. 1: Freedom of Assembly and Association, Freedom of The Press, Freedom of Religion and the Establishment Clause, Freedom of Speech, Right to Privacy
Vol. 2: Capital Punishment, Criminal Law and Procedure, Family Law, Juries, Juvenile Law and Justice, Search and Seizure
Vol. 3: Affirmative Action, Assisted Suicide and the Right to Die, Civil Rights and Equal Protection, Gender Discrimination, Reproductive Rights, Rights of Immigrants, Gays, and the Disabled, Voting Rights
Vol. 4: Business Law, Federal Powers and Separation of Powers, Federalism and State Powers, Labor and Labor Practices, Military Law, Native Americans, Taxation