It's important to speak English in the 21st Century. English is not only the language spoken in the United States, but also an international language that knows neither frontiers nor boundaries. In all reality knowing English has become a basic necessity. That is why Inglés sin Barreras is here to help. Inglés sin Barreras focuses on the needs of the Hispanic population in the US. The spelling and pronunciation are those used in American English. With Inglés sin Barreras, students learn in their own home and are able to speak without ever going to a classroom.
Users can listen to the CDs while they are relaxing, doing housework or while driving. There is nothing easier, more handy or practical. Instead of memorizing boring verbal conjugations and grammar rules, Inglés sin Barreras gives you real-life situations, with words and phrases that can be used immediately.
Inglés sin Barreras es el videomaestro de inglés con mayor éxito en el mundo. Su método es innovador para aprender inglés: sin complicaciones y a tu ritmo. Con este curso aprenderás viendo la televisión, a tu horario y en la hora y lugar que prefieras. Aquí dejare gratis el curso completo, que poco estoy subiendo a servidores y que se compone por 12 libros o cuadernos de trabajo, 12 Manuales, 12 CDs con los audios y 12 DVDs.
Este es el DVD4
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