100% Student Success, Second Edition by Amy Solomon, Gwenn Wilson, Lori Tyler, Terry Taylor Paperback: 242 pages Published: February 14, 2011 ISBN-10: 0495913723 ISBN-13: 978-0495913726
100% STUDENT SUCCESS, a text in the 100% Success Series, promotes student achievement by addressing the practical student tasks such as note-taking and reading strategies, while encouraging students to develop skills like self-reflection, lifelong learning, financial management, and balancing life responsibilities with school--all skills that will serve them well beyond college. The second edition of 100% STUDENT SUCCESS will provide students with a strong foundation for self-reflection and application of concepts in the book, supported by moving the focus on motivation to Chapter 2, "Human Behavior." The chapter presents theories of motivation and need satisfaction. The second edition expands on these theories by applying them more specifically to learning and success in college. Subsequent chapters apply these theories to specific student success topics.