It contains the following: • The course syllabus; • This introduction, which sets out the overall objectives and principles that underlie the course, as well as giving an outline of how the course works; • A resource bank of games and activities (pp20-21); • Step-by-step teaching notes for every lesson in the book, including Teaching tip' boxes with extra teaching ideas or suggestions for classroom management; • Transcripts for all the recordings (with the exception of some of the reading passages for CLIL, Festivals, and 'Children around the world'); • Answers for all the activities (unless these are included in the transcripts); • Teaching notes for the three Festivals sections and the three 'Children around the world' sections, including cultural information; • Teaching notes for the three Revision units; • Photocopiable test pages (see below); • A wordlist containing the core vocabulary and other key language.
Test section This section in the Teacher's Book includes flexible test material that reflects the objectives of the course. It contains nine end-of-unit tests that review what pupils have done in each unit and three end-of-term tests (with optional listening sections) that can be used after Units 3, 6, and 9. These tests use a mixture of exercise formats similar to the activities pupils have become familiar with in their Activity Books and formats which offer practice for the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (Movers level). For flexibility, there are two parallel tests (Tests A and B) for each end-of-term test. Teachers can set both tests at the same time to avoid cheating, i.e. in pairs one pupil has Test A and the other has Test B. Alternatively, the teacher can just set one test, and save the other test to use as a remedial test, or a follow- up test later in the year. A photocopiable record card is included to allow you to keep a unit-by-unit record of pupils' achievements in reaching linguistic objectives.