by Max Todd/Robert Fenstermaker
This book is called Revolution222, and it’s about a revolution here in America when a guy named Bob thinks of an idea that changes the world. His idea involves taking responsibility for his own life by creating a ‘free rEPUBlic of Boblovia’ that answers to nobody and gets its power from the individual. Bob espouses the idea that taking full responsibility for his life is the only way to personally live, and by doing so, he shows others how to gain control over their lives. It results in a revolution that goes viral, and sweeps across America, changing the way Americans think and live. It is a very beautiful story, written in a narrative style that really hits the reader’s imagination. It is full of lucid episodes and intermingling lives and places. It is a very powerful story. Read it, then please tell others about it.
It is free for anyone who is interested in how they might make a meaningful change. The free eBook is in PDF, MS Word and TXT, so anyone anywhere can read it from an eReader or computer. In Revolution222, people begin to take time to be still enough, long enough, to know what direction to move in. The direction they travel involves everyone buying into a new dream, discarding this nightmare that we inherited at birth. In the book, we see just that happening, and also the means by which it occurs.
The book explains how each of us can awaken our hearts to new possibilities based on every one of us accepting their own individual sovereignty. We each are a nation of one, choosing to connect with like minded sovereign individuals who also accept their personal responsibility to be happy.
DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE HAPPY! Revolution222 tells the tale of how a single idea can spread rapidly via the new technologies now available to everyone. 222 – February 22nd., is the call for the Revolution from the Couch; the ‘Couch Potato Revolution’… the ‘don’t just do something, Sit there!’ Revolution.
You can’t get everyone to do something, so let’s get everyone to do Nothing. Find the place of stillness, the center of the soul and operate from there, fearlessly and from the HEART. Wake up, and experience the moment…this moment forward when we all cast off our chains by accepting our role in all the things that are not right in the world and take on the responsibility to change the world by first changing ourselves.
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