Al-Ghazali On Divine Essence A Translation From The Iqtisad Fi Al-I_tiqad With Notes And Commentary
Published by: hmimi (Karma: 167.25) on 11 December 2013 | Views: 1022 |

The Iqtiṣād is the fulfillment of an intention Ghazālī stated in Tahāfut alfalāsifah to write a constructive work of theology. Michael E. Marmura has argued, on the basis of George Houraniís revised chronology,1 that although the descriptor Ghazālī uses to forecast the work he will write is Qawāʿīd al-ʿaqāʾid, which became the title of a later treatise he incorporated into the Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm aldīn, the Iqtiṣād, coming as soon after the Tahāfut as it does, actually fulfils the commitment better.2 In fact, Ghazālī even uses a phrase that recalls the titles of both works on the first page of the Iqtiṣād. He writes, ìIndeed, the norm that must needs be followed in principles of belief (qawāʾīd al-iʿtiqād) is moderation (iqtiṣād) and restraint upon the straight pathî (1.14ñ15). The Iqtiṣād has been called Ghazālīís ìchief work of dogmatics.î W. Montgomery Watt, following Maurice Bouges, indicates that it was ìprobably composed shortly before or shortly after his departure
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Tags: amount, perspectives, talents, variety, brought, Notes, Al-Ghazali, Al-I_tiqad, Commentary |