A bimonthly magazine for the learners of English at intermediate and upper intermediate levels. Some articles accompanied by audio. All texts followed by wordlists. Features current events, culture, biographies, ecology, travel, and leisure.
This & That
People and Lifestyle Colin Firth’s Second Fiddle The World According to John Irving
Culture British Humour – Anything for a Laugh The Case of Elizabeth Bathory The Lure of the Local: How the British Pub Charms the World
MAGAZINE with VOCABULARY and AUDIO - Special Edition 13 - The Best of English Matters (2015, MP3, PDF, 51 pages, 157.2 MB) filedwon.inforobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 5 March 2015 15:30
MAGAZINE with VOCABULARY and AUDIO - Special Edition 13 - The Best of English Matters (2015, MP3, PDF, 51 pages, 157.2 MB) depositfiles.comrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 5 March 2015 15:30
MAGAZINE with VOCABULARY and AUDIO - Special Edition 13 - The Best of English Matters (2015, MP3, PDF, 51 pages, 157.2 MB) ul.torobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 5 March 2015 15:43
MAGAZINE with VOCABULARY and AUDIO - Special Edition 13 - The Best of English Matters (2015, MP3, PDF, 51 pages, 157.2 MB) rg.torobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 5 March 2015 15:43
MAGAZINE with VOCABULARY and AUDIO - Special Edition 13 - The Best of English Matters (2015, MP3, PDF, 51 pages, 157.2 MB) uploaded.netrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 5 March 2015 15:44