- 26 issues in 12 months - Features stories currently making the international news - Articles, written in an easy-to-read style, include latest news plus background information and explanation - Each issue is accompanied by two sets of activities/worksheets and the respective answer keys - Articles featured reflect no political or religious bias - Stories are reported factually and every attempt is made to feature both sides of any situation in which opinions differ - Focus on international news events that shape and affect the world that we all live in today - Carries no advertising
Newsademic Features:
- 26 issues in 12 months - Features stories currently making the international news - Articles, written in an easy-to-read style, include latest news plus background information and explanation - Each issue is accompanied by two sets of activities/worksheets and the respective answer keys - Articles featured reflect no political or religious bias - Stories are reported factually and every attempt is made to feature both sides of any situation in which opinions differ - Focus on international news events that shape and affect the world that we all live in today - Carries no advertisingNewsademic Features:
- 26 issues in 12 months - Features stories currently making the international news - Articles, written in an easy-to-read style, include latest news plus background information and explanation - Each issue is accompanied by two sets of activities/worksheets and the respective answer keys - Articles featured reflect no political or religious bias - Stories are reported factually and every attempt is made to feature both sides of any situation in which opinions differ - Focus on international news events that shape and affect the world that we all live in today - Carries no advertising
1150884496.rar (2.2 MB) dfiles.euserzt( Karma:0) 17 June 2015 05:09
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES and ANSWER KEY - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 241 - Issue 2015-01-22 (True PDF, 81 pages, 4.7 MB) filedwon.inforobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 17 June 2015 10:11
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES and ANSWER KEY - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 241 - Issue 2015-01-22 (True PDF, 81 pages, 4.7 MB) ul.torobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 17 June 2015 10:22
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES and ANSWER KEY - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 241 - Issue 2015-01-22 (True PDF, 81 pages, 4.7 MB) uploaded.netrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 18 June 2015 08:45