Teachers are now having difficulty making grammar relatable and intelligible for native speakers that have heard English all their lives. So it only makes sense that ESL learners may struggle even more and have even more questions. But this book will help you answer them with fun, insightful lessons. 
61 sections of teacher-tested methods for teaching grammar that really work
over 350 tips and instructions to achieve grammar lessons your students will enjoy
13 tenses covered, several with more than one section dedicated to them
50 tips in six sections to help you master teaching any grammar - learn how to drill, integrate and review successfully!
Whoa, but I already have other grammar books. How is this one different?
Difficult concepts have more than one section dedicated to them. One of the best ways for students to grasp a complicated concept is to learn it from several different angles. This book makes it easy by providing several sections for some difficult concepts, such as three sections covering passive voice that contain19 step-by-step instructions and several takeaways, or four sections for teaching the present perfect - a notoriously difficult tense for ESL learners.
Finding answers for tough grammar questions have never been easier. Using our easy to navigate table of contents, and color-coded step-by-step layout, you can have several several teacher-tested tips ready to go for even the most difficult grammar concepts in just a few minutes. Help your students master everything from reported speech to degrees of comparison is ways that you've never though of before.
So... Now I can always be prepared?
Tes, it's a handbook for turning you into an experienced grammar teacher! This book doesn't just provide several ways for students to tackle difficult grammar subjects. It also contains several essential sections on how to teach grammar with the best methods possible. Whether you're following four tips for making your grammar lessons livelier or integrating eight steps for teaching the verb system, including past, present and future tenses, How to Teach Grammar Like a Pro is designed to enrich you as well as your students.