In this issue we follow the recent total solar eclipse. It was seen by people in Indonesia and the Pacific. How these events occur is explained and why they only happen because of an amazing coincidence. In other stories, a small penguin makes a lifelong friend on a small Brazilian island, a computer program surprises by beating the world's best Go player and a spider that drags its prey under the water is named ... Brian.
Issue 271 - 17-03-2016
Friendly penguin Street map of Ancient Rome International Women’s Day Russia’s Syrian withdrawal Protecting okapis Orang-utan population survey New York City’s Oculus train station Tsunami disaster remembered ‘Sea lizard’ extinction explained Lines of Thought exhibition World’s largest cruise liner Canada and the USA Germany’s state elections Bullfighting supporters Corruption scandal in Brazil The blackest black AlphaGo triumphs The spider called Brian Glossary Crossword and Wordsearch Puzzle
3.9 MB | True PDF | RAR | EN | 20 pages ul.toalzoar( Karma:1152.51) 23 March 2016 19:12
3.9 MB | True PDF | RAR | EN | 20 pages 5fantastic.plmiaow( Karma:8463.40) 23 March 2016 19:41
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 271 - Issue 2016-03-17 (True PDF, 78 pages, 7.57 MB) filedwon.infomatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 5 April 2016 22:51
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 271 - Issue 2016-03-17 (True PDF, 78 pages, 7.57 MB) ul.tomatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 5 April 2016 22:52
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 271 - Issue 2016-03-17 (True PDF, 78 pages, 7.57 MB) hulkload.commatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 5 April 2016 22:52