The contents of the Panama Papers has surprised many people. In this issue we explain where this information came from, to who it was passed and why it will lead to future changes in many countries.
In other stories, the cost of vanilla ice cream may rise and there is a new theory about why T. rex's arms were so small. In addition, there is new evidence of Vikings in North America and where Hannibal crossed the Alps.
Issue 273 - 14-04-2016
Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire broken Coral bleaching event King Salman in Egypt Reticulated python found Vikings evidence in North America Diabetes and World Health Day Geomagnetic storms warning Dutch Referendum Small arms, big jaw Vanilla price hike Older Flores Man Wild goldfish danger Tesla Model 3 pre-order EU-Turkey migrant deal Tiger population goes up Intelligent brown skuas Hannibal’s Alpine route Hitler’s birthplace decision Glossary Crossword and Wordsearch Puzzle
2.78 MB | True PDF | RAR | EN | 20 pages ul.todrazhar( Karma:1455.89) 19 April 2016 15:53
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 273 - Issue 2016-04-14 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.68 MB) gboxes.commatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 20 April 2016 14:55
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 273 - Issue 2016-04-14 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.68 MB) ul.tomatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 20 April 2016 14:55
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 273 - Issue 2016-04-14 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.68 MB) hulkload.commatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 20 April 2016 14:55
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 273 - Issue 2016-04-14 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.68 MB) filedwon.infomatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 20 April 2016 14:56