As huge wildfires are finally brought under control in Alberta, in Canada, we focus on the Transit of Mercury. How this celestial event helped us to begin to understand our place in the Solar System and beyond is also explained.
The Philippines has voted for a new president. He is likely to be very different to all who have gone before him. The USA now has a national mammal and the builders of tens of thousands of earth mounds in a remote part of South America are introduced.
Issue 275 - 12-05-2016
In this issue Captain Cook’s ship found? May Day Freedom of the press Leopard survey New president elected in Philippines Strange marine creature Runestone alternative translation Charlemagne Prize Canada’s Alberta wildfire America’s new national mammal Kew’s plant assesment First Hyperloop demonstration Eradicating carp in Australia Mariana Trench investigation New mayor of London Sleep pattern surprise Russia’s new spaceport Mystery landscape solved Glossary Crossword and Wordsearch Puzzle
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 275 - Issue 2016-05-12 (True PDF, 78 pages, 6.97 MB) gboxes.commatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 16 May 2016 16:32
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 275 - Issue 2016-05-12 (True PDF, 78 pages, 6.97 MB) ul.tomatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 16 May 2016 16:32
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 275 - Issue 2016-05-12 (True PDF, 78 pages, 6.97 MB) hulkload.commatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 16 May 2016 16:33
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 275 - Issue 2016-05-12 (True PDF, 78 pages, 6.97 MB) secureupload.eumatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 16 May 2016 16:34
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 275 - Issue 2016-05-12 (True PDF, 78 pages, 6.97 MB) uploaded.netmatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 16 May 2016 16:35
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 275 - Issue 2016-05-12 (True PDF, 78 pages, 6.97 MB) rg.tomatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 16 May 2016 16:43
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 275 - Issue 2016-05-12 (True PDF, 78 pages, 6.97 MB) uploadboy.commatroshka_ru( Karma:4376.31) 16 May 2016 16:44
3.54 MB | True PDF | RAR | EN | 20 pages ul.todrazhar( Karma:1455.89) 16 May 2016 19:44