Keep practicing to improve your accent, and try to think in a British accent so it comes more naturally. If you want to improve your pronunciation and learn to speak clearly and fluently, you’re in the right place! If you’re like most of my readers you are intelligent, hard-working and eager to reach your potential and achieve success.
But something is holding you back….
You write and understand English well, but you’re not so confident with your spoken English You would like to sound more fluent and be more immediately understood with an instantly recognisable British Accent A clear speaking voice will increase your confidence and improve your communication skills with colleagues, friends, family, customers and clients.
Speaking with the Perfect Tongue - A Module on British Accent Training (2017, True PDF, 80 pages, 451 KB) filedwon.infobonasera( Karma:15771.31) 31 May 2017 14:48
Speaking with the Perfect Tongue - A Module on British Accent Training (2017, True PDF, 80 pages, 451 KB) icerbox.combonasera( Karma:15771.31) 31 May 2017 14:49
Speaking with the Perfect Tongue - A Module on British Accent Training (2017, True PDF, 80 pages, 451 KB) nitroflare.combonasera( Karma:15771.31) 31 May 2017 14:49