A new course in the Starting Skills in English series, combining all skills from Part B into one volume. Now with extra material in the form of a Workbook. Have you studied English at school? Do you need to improve your competence in English? Then you need Starting Skills. This course will help you improve your competence in the basic skills of English for college or university study. In Starting Skills Book 2 you will learn 200 key words from ten knowledge areas.
[Mirror] [PDF MP3] Starting Skills 2: Workbook with audio CD : 55 MB [To support us,use this mirror please] uploadboy.mertyhrtyhr58758( Karma:381.29) 22 February 2019 05:20
[Mirror] [PDF MP3] Starting Skills 2: Workbook with audio CD : 55 MB [To support us,use this mirror please] uploadboy.MErtyhrtyhr58758( Karma:381.29) 22 February 2019 05:20
All (PDF, MP3) [54.315 MB] up-4.netsaimoh76( Karma:7331.60) 25 February 2019 13:57
q.gssaimoh76( Karma:7331.60) 27 February 2019 13:19