Practice Tests Plus provide focused exam training to familiarise learners with the task types, question formats and style of the Cambridge Exam test papers.
For B2 First Cambridge English exams:
Two volumes, each with 8 complete practice tests
First two tests per volume include exam guidance and question-specific tips
Audio and visual materials for students to practise for the speaking and listening papers at home
A guide to the Cambridge English Qualifications B2 First exam
Answer key and audio script to support teachers doing exam practice in class
BOOK with AUDIO :: First Practice Tests Plus Volume 1 (MP3, PDF, 393.29 MB) {Recommended} rosefile.netbonasera( Karma:15771.31) 17 November 2021 21:23
BOOK with AUDIO :: First Practice Tests Plus Volume 1 (MP3, PDF, 393.29 MB) {Recommended} rapidgator.netbonasera( Karma:15771.31) 17 November 2021 21:23