Written by Chris Curtis, How to Teach: English: Novels, non-fiction and their artful navigation is jam-packed with enlivening ideas to help teachers make the subject of English more intellectually challenging for students – and to make it fun too!
Never underestimate your duty and power as a teacher of English. English teachers help students to think and feel. They prompt them to reflect on their actions. They hold a mirror to society and inspire students to see how they can make it better.
What other subject does that?
This insightful interpretation of what makes excellent secondary school English teaching is the work of a man whose humility fails to hide his brilliance and provides educators with a sophisticated yet simple framework upon which to hook their lessons. Covering poetry, grammar, Shakespeare and how to teach writing, Chris Curtis has furnished every page of this book with exciting ideas that can be put into practice...
BOOK :: How to Teach - English - Novels, non-fiction and their artful navigation (2019, ePUB, PDF, 2.15 MB) 4file.netbonasera( Karma:15772.31) 21 November 2019 23:37
All (PDF, EPUB) q.gssaimoh76( Karma:7331.60) 22 November 2019 08:52
All (PDF, EPUB) 4file.netsaimoh76( Karma:7331.60) 22 November 2019 08:52