Learn the persuasion psychology, spark interest and enthusiasm and get what you want.
In Words That Change Minds you will:
- Learn the influence science and practice. - Discover the ways people unconsciously get motivated, process information and make decisions. - Decode any communication problem and solve it. - Find out how to pry open mental space in even the most closed of minds. - Create rapport and credibility with anyone. - Avoid inadvertently saying or doing the wrong thing. - Get practical applications for sales, marketing, recruiting, negotiation, teaching, training, communication at work, conflict resolution. - Increase your impact in interpersonal communication, teamwork, and in mass communication.
Words That Change Minds is based on the Language and Behavior Profile, (LAB Profile® for short) – a powerful tool that enables you to understand, predict and influence behavior by de-coding the language people use.
You can directly influence people one-on-one, in groups and even in mass communication by customizing your language to match their subconscious Motivation Patterns.
Increase your impact, improve relationships and reduce conflicts, by using the Words That Change Minds.
Filename: Words That Change Minds_ The 14 Patterns for Mastering the Language of Influence-Institute for Influence (2019).pdf
Size: 6.6 MB www.filedwon.infoOWS( Karma:5833.60) 22 February 2020 22:55
Filename: Words That Change Minds_ The 14 Patterns for Mastering the Language of Influence-Institute for Influence (2019).pdf
Size: 6.6 MB mega4up.comOWS( Karma:5833.60) 22 February 2020 22:55
Filename: Words That Change Minds_ The 14 Patterns for Mastering the Language of Influence-Institute for Influence (2019).pdf
Size: 6.6 MB uploadboy.meOWS( Karma:5833.60) 22 February 2020 22:55