You definitely know how to read. But do you know how to read artfully? Unlike everyday reading, artful reading—the way we read novels and short stories—is less about reading for specific information and more about reading to revel in the literary experience.
It involves recognizing
* how a story’s particular narrative style affects your connection with its characters, * why authors choose to hint at meanings instead of just writing them out for you, * how the organization of a novel into distinct chapters can affect your engagement with its plot, and much more.
Angels and Ages: A Short Book About Darwin, Lincoln, and Modern Life
Written 200 years after Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln shared a birthday on February 12, 1809, this insightful account sheds new light on two men who changed the way we think about the meaning of life and death. Award-winning journalist Adam Gopnik's unique perspective, combined with previously unexplored stories and figures, reveals two men planted firmly at the roots of modern views and liberal values.
This work presents terrible tales about horrible heroes, savage Spartan soldiers, foolish philosophers and suffering slaves. Terry Deary and Martin Brown's brilliant books about the nastiest periods in history have now - with the help of some astounding actors - been transformed into a series of audio extravaganzas. Featuring new, extra material not found anywhere in the books, these sound spectaculars are just as thrilling and spilling, funny and fast as their printed counterparts.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Audiobook) BriviVox
The world famous Scottish and English writer - author of detective works about the detective Sherlock Holmes, adventure and science fiction - of Professor Challenger, humorous - about Brigadier Gerard. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - a collection of 12 detective stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. Was published in 1892 and is the first collection of short stories about Holmes. In the four stories of twelve offense, as such, no. In some stories the criminals are, for whatever reasons, unpunished, and ever-present theme of justification was accused falsely.
This primer on economic principles brilliantly analyzes the seen and unseen consequences of political and economic actions. In the words of F.A. Hayek, there is "no other modern book from which the intelligent layman can learn so much about the basic truths of economics in so short a time."