Added by: harpy | Karma: 12.42 | Coursebooks, Audio | 8 September 2007
Представляем Вам отличнейший аудиокурс с приложенным к нему тейпскриптом Rhythms of American English for Students of English As a Second Language Американское произношение - Jazz: разучивается звучание фраз из бытовой лексики в распевной манере. Ухо приучается слышать и разбирать слова и фразы, произнесенные в непривычной для русского уха мелодике. Рот учится их произносить, мозг запоминать. Читает Native-speaker.
The Global Paradox of Obesity and Malnutrition
• Complex causes of weight gain
• Gene tech--can it help end world hunger?
• Neuroscience of food addictions
• Healthier to be overweight?
• The threat of tainted foods
Scientific American Mind, February/March 2007
Most people would say that finding love is a key to greater happiness, along with achievements like a bigger home, a better car, more money and fame. But research suggests none of these things is likely to increase bliss significantly. "Why It's So Hard to Be Happy," by psychologist Michael Wiederman, tells how ancient humans' perpetual search for a better life--historically, a survival advantage--can now leave us dissatisfied despite the comforts of today's world. One lesson is that "happy people tend to engage in activities that are challenging and absorbing"--such as reading articles in Scientific American Mind. Okay, I slipped in that last part. Happy now?
Introduction to the Study of American Literature by William Cranston Lawton (Rare Book Collection)
In this volume the attempt has been made to distinguish the salient epochs in American literature, brief though the story is. The relation of the artist and his work to the general life of his time and of his people has been frequently recalled. This relation is especially illustrated in the chronological tables, which may be supplemented from the regular textbooks in American history.
Nevertheless, the treatment in the text itself is in the main biographical. That is, the effort has almost always been to make the single life appear an articulated and rational whole. This method craves far more space than was here available; but, any such volume as this must serve merely as an introduction to far wider reading.
Dictionary of Native American Mythology
Для спецов и любознательных.
This dictionary entices readers to explore the complex fabric of North American Indian tales and ritual. While numerous other references treat Native American mythology, none offers the coverage found in this volume. Works such as Yves Bonnefoy's Mythologies (Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1991) and the New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology (Paul Hamlyn, 1968) focus primarily on classical, European, and Asian myths, with minimal coverage of Native American cultures. This new dictionary is well researched, drawing from scholarly sources such as the Journal of American Folklore and the American Anthropologist. Entries appear as either descriptive terms or in the anglicized form of Native American words, followed by tribal and/or cultural identifiers. Each entry includes generous cross references and bibliographic citations. An excellent tribal index refers readers to both main entries and to the work's extensive bibliography, which invites readers to pursue the research further in scholarly journals and monographs.