What do these things have in common? Fireworks, wood-block printing, canal lock-gates, kites, the wheelbarrow, chain suspension bridges and the magnetic compass. The answer is that they were all invented in China, a country that, right through the Middle Ages, maintained a cultural and technological sophistication that made foreign dignitaries flock to its imperial courts for trade and favour. But then, around 1700, the flow of ingenuity began to dry up and even reverse as Europe bore the fruits of the scientific revolution back across the globe.
Teaching Techniques Experts' tips for teaching grammar and for using Grammar Sense with your
students Tests and Answer Keys
Photocopiable chapter tests to use with your class. Answer Keys are provided
Student Book Answer Keys The complete answer keys for Student Books 1, 2 and 3
Fast Track to FCE Tests Each unit test is designed to cover the language areas in the corresponding unit of Fast Track to FCE Coursebook, using the exact format of Paper 3 of the First Certificate in English examination. There are three Progress tests, after Unit 4, 8 and 12 and these test the language from the previous four units. In addition to Paper 3 tasks, the Progress tests also include reading and writing tasks from Paper 1 and 2 of
the exam. This test booklet includes an eight page pull-out answer key in the middle. We recommend using the test booklet as follows: hand out a test booklet to each student together with a photocopy of the answer sheets supplied with the answer key. Tell students to mark their answers on the answer sheets only, not in the test booklet. After you have administered the test and checked the answers, collect the
test booklets back in from your students. You can re-use them with another class, or the following year.
Principles of Economics: Business, Banking, Finance, and Your Everyday Life
This course introduces both macroeconomics and microeconomics. At a business and professional level, macroeconomics can help to answer questions such as the following: How much should I manufacture this month? How much inventory should I maintain? At a personal level: Should I switch jobs—or ask for a raise? Should I buy a house now or wait until next year? Should I get a variable or fixed-rate mortgage? And what about my investments for retirement? In contrast, microeconomics can help to answer the following questions: How can my firm minimize its costs and increase its profits? What prices should I charge for my products? Will I really be better off financially if I quit my job now and go back for an MBA degree? What kind of career should I be preparing myself for? What about that new refrigerator or automobile I want to buy? ONE-FILE RAPIDSHARE MIRROR ADDED BY dandelion
Practise Your Prepositions
A workbook to practice use of prepositions. Includes sections on adjective + preposition and verb + preposition phrases. (27 units with Answer key at end of book).