Candy - it's the only the name she needs - is blazing her way through Paris, New York and Tokyo as fashion's latest international supermodel... Her sister, Tammy, has a job producing the most successful hit show on TV, and a home she loves in L.A.'s Hollywood Hills... In New York, oldest sister Sabrina is an ambitious young lawyer, while Annie is an American artist in Florence, living for her art... On one Fourth of July weekend, as they do every year, the four sisters come home to Connecticut for their family's annual gathering...
A horror novel from consistently bestselling Saul ( Suffer the Children ; Hellfire ) is set in Silverdale, Colo., a company-town variation on Spielberg surburbia. There, conglomerate TarrenTech provides the high school teams with every advantage, including a high-tech sports clinic. Dr. Martin Ames beefs up the brawny, aggressive teenagers, and it's to him that newcomer Sharon Tanner goes for answers when her gentle son Mark turns into a belligerent jock overnight. This slick, high-concept thriller, which might have been titled Stepford High , won't surprise anyone, but it should please the author's fans as it continues Saul's focus on children as the vehicles and victims of unnatural forces. 100,000 first printing; $100,000 ad/promo; Literary Guild selection.
It had been one of the worst crashes in airline history, killing over 300 people and leaving only one survivor. Now the dead were buried and the town of Eton tried to forget. But one man could not rest. Keller had walked from the flames of the wreck, driven on by unseen forces, seeking the answer to his own survival - until the town was forced to face the shocking, dreadful truth about what was buried in the old graveyard...and a truth Keller did not want to believe.