Interactions/Mosaic Silver Edition is the new revised five – level, four skill comprehensive ESL / EFL series designed to prepare students for academic content. The themes are intergrated across proficiency levels and the levels are articulated across skill strands. The series combines communicative activities with skill- building exercises to boost students’ academic success.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is a collection of annals in Old English chronicling the history of the Anglo-Saxons. The annals were initially created late in the 9th century, probably in Wessex, during the reign of Alfred the Great. Multiple manuscript copies were made and distributed to monasteries across England and were independently updated. In one case, the chronicle was still being actively updated in 1154.
INTERACTIONS ACCESS LISTENING SPEAKING (silver edition)Interactions/Mosaic Silver Edition is the new revised five – level, four skill comprehensive ESL / EFL series designed to prepare students for academic content. The themes are intergrated across proficiency levels and the levels are articulated across skill strands. The series combines communicative activities with skill- building exercises to boost students’ academic success.
Racial and ethnic issues stand at the core of social, political, and economic concerns in an increasingly diverse America. Accordingly, how individuals from the various ethnic groups regard themselves—and others—is a salient focus of research studies across the disciplines. Measuring Race and Ethnicity gathers psychological measures of common phenomena such as racial identity, acculturation, and intra- and intergroup relations enabling researchers to compare concepts across groups and better evaluate differences and disparities.