Read and Discover 4 : How to Stay Healthy - Activity Book
Activities to accompany The Read and Discover non-fiction reader. The Activity Book provides additional, chapter-linked reading, writing and grammar practice, as well as consolidation activities. It also uses the non-fiction content in the reader to support and develop the students' critical thinking skills.
Simon Decker and the Secret Formula: Graded Reader Level 1 : Activity Book and Teacher's book
Simon heard a woman scream, then a gunshot. There was another shot and the sound of glass breaking. Simon fell to the floor and crawled towards the kitchen. Rocky was in there, barking and jumping at the kitchen door. Simon held Rocky in his arms to keep him quiet, then he listened. A car door opened and closed, then the car drove quickly away.
American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
This classic study has become a seminal work in the field of intercultural relations.They analyze American cultural patterns and values in four dimensions: Form of Activity, Form of Social Relations, Perception of the World and Perception of the Self.