The Upstream Beginner A1+ DVD has been primarily designed to consolidate the language taught in the Upstream Beginner A1+ Coursebook. However, the content of the DVD has been chosen to meet the needs of students using other coursebooks as well.
Fairyland is a course at primary level. Young learners enter a world of fantasy and adventure where English becomes a memorable and rewarding experience! Join us and feel the magic!
Healthy Eyes Activity Book for Primary Schools (2nd Edition)
An activity book for children about how to look after their eyes. Each section ends with a summary of the main health messages to prevent blindness. All the illustrations are done by children with line drawings which encourages them to be active as they read it.
Children are our future . We hope that The Healthy Eyes Activity Book 2nd edition continues to engage children in thinking about the health of their eyes, and playing their part in preventing blindness in their communities.
Different but Equal. The Female and the male brains have alot of differences, yet they complete each other just like men and women complete each other. It turns out that male and female brains differ quite a bit in architecture and activity. find out the differencies and how they complete each other
Серия адресована дошкольникам и младшим школьникам, начинающим изучать язык с учителем или родителями, знающими английский язык. Дети знакомятся с буквами английского алфавита, учатся читать, писать, слушать, понимать и говорить несложные фразы. Весь процесс обучения происходит в запоминающейся, непринужденной манере, иллюстрируемой красочными картинками, песнями, рифмовками.