Routledge Applied Linguistics is a series of comprehensive resource books, providing students and researchers with the support they need for advanced study in the core areas of English language and Applied Linguistics. Each book in the series guides readers through three main sections, enabling them to explore and develop major themes within the discipline. Section A, Introduction, establishes the key terms and concepts and extends readers' techniques of analysis through practical application.
По договоренности с сайтом EasyEnglish продолжаем знакомство с курсом Focus on Grammar (2-e издание|2nd edition). Focus on Grammar, Second Edition - серия учебных пособий, где в основу изложения матерала положен согласованный подход из четырёх ступеней, позволяющий обучающимся проще усваивать сложные аспекты грамматики, а преподавателям - объяснять и закреплять материал с меньшими затратами усилий.100% ENGLISH CONTENT
A Year in the Life of ESL Student is an essential addition to the advanced level ESL classroom. By studying the varied and interesting dialogues and completeing the challenging exercises, students will dramatically improve their comprehension and usage of everyday idioms and advanced vocabulary. The book follows Andre, a student from Switzerland, as he spends a year completing his English studies at a private language school in North America: from his arrival at the airport, to getting around the city, to attending school, to hanging out with his classmates.
"Trigg and co-writers are skilled instructors who do an artful job in establishing a continuity as one topic switches to the next." (Electric Review, September/October 2006) "…18 review articles…offer advanced students and researchers a quick, to-the-point introduction…" (CHOICE, May 2006) "Trigg and co-writers are skilled instructors who do an artful job in establishing a continuity as one topic switches to the next." (Electric Review, September/October 2006) "...18 review articles...offer advanced students and researchers a quick, to-the-point introduction..." (CHOICE, May 2006)
What do we know about literature circles now that we didn't understand eight or ten years ago? What new resources and procedures can help teachers organize their classroom book clubs better? What are the most common pitfalls in implementing student-led discussion groups? And getting beyond the basics, what do mature or "advanced" literature circles look like?