Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary is a comprehensive Use of English manual for students preparing for the Cambridge CAE and Proficiency in English or any other EFL examination at a similar level. It combines clear and functional presentation of grammar and vocabulary issues with a huge variety of challenging and stimulating exercises.
Software to help students write fluent, natural-sounding English. Includes the Oxford Collocations Dictionary for learners of English, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, and the Oxford Collocations Exercise Bank. Point at a word in a document to instantly see typical words that combine with it. Look up their meanings in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary by clicking on them. Listen to the pronunciation in British and American English!
Ïîïîëíåíèå â ëèíåéêå ó÷åáíèêîâ New Headway - New Headway Advanced (New Edition) Teacher's Book. Êíèãà äëÿ ó÷èòåëÿ óðîâíÿ Advanced. ñàéò ïîääåðæêè âñåé ñåðèè Headway (ôîðóìû, ñêðèïòû, ïëàíû óðîêîâ è ò.ä.)
Updated textbook in the series of New Headway - New Headway Advanced (New Edition) Teacher's Book. The book for teachers of Advanced. With support (forums, scripts, lesson plans, etc.)
Edited by: Pumukl - 24 September 2009
Reason: correct cover picture added (was Teacher's Resource book instead of TB)
The long-awaited, totally new edition of the Advanced level, providing a real challenge and stimulus for Advanced learners. Up-to-date international topics stimulate interest and discussion, focus on lexis, spoken language, streamlined structure and design for maximum clarity and sense of progress. A range of reading texts of different genres – newspaper articles, magazine extracts, literature – cater for various interests within a group.
Because of the nature of their subject, technology teachers have found
ways to make learning active and exciting, often through new activities
and projects that have real-world relevance. As technology fields grow,
the success of technology teachers is tied in with innovation rather
than the accomplishments of the past. Advanced Teaching Methods for the
Technology Classroom provides a comprehensive, critical approach to
meeting the new challenges of technology in the classroom. This book
gathers together research on technology methods, principles, and
content, and acts as a reference source for proven and innovative
methods. Advanced Teaching Methods for the Technology Classroom
presents an introduction to teaching educational technology, design,
and engineering. It also contains strategies for innovation by
examining the what, why, and how of technology education.