Perfect Audio Book for learning English terminology, if you planning to invest.....
"Throughout the ages, many things have been used as currency: livestock, grains, spices, shells, beads, and now paper. But only two things have ever been money: gold and silver. When paper money becomes too abundant, and thus loses its value, man always turns back to precious metals. During these times there is always an enormous wealth transfer, and it is within your power to transfer that wealth away from you or toward you." --Michael Maloney, precious metals investment expert and historian
Amateur astronomy has changed beyond recognition in less than two decades. The reason is, of course, technology. Affordable high-quality telescopes, computer-controlled 'go to' mountings, autoguiders, CCD cameras, video, and (as always) computers and the Internet, are just a few of the advances that have revolutionized astronomy for the twenty-first century.
Added by: koopfish | Karma: 10033.53 | Black Hole | 26 June 2010
English Idioms
English Idioms, written by James Main Dixon, M.A, F.R.S.E. are part of The Teaching of English Series that started in 1940's and are always reprinted in regular intervals.....
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Prepare to experience a brand new thought process on the drawing of life and the expression of energy. This important concept is also the least talked about subject in figure drawing classes today. Artist Michael Mattesi is your guide on an exciting and provocative journey through multiple methods of thinking using easy to understand critiques of dynamic drawings. Learn to approach drawing through Michael's groundbreaking theory about force and its relationship to: Rhythm, Form,Shape,Clothing, Reportage, Animals
Added by: alexa19 | Karma: 4030.49 | Black Hole | 23 May 2010
English Verb,2 Ed
A long established and highly regarded account of all aspects of the English verb taking account of recent work on tense, phase and aspect, and of the author's own research. Theoretical discussion is kept to a minimum, but the arguments are always presented within a modern theoretical framework.
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