Feathered dinosaurs, walking whales, killer kangaroos—these are but a few of the fantastic creatures that roamed the
planet before the dawn of humans. For more than 200 years, scientists have studied fossil remnants of eons past,
painstakingly piecing together the history of life on earth. Through their efforts, not only have long-extinct beasts come
to light, but the origins of many modern animals have been revealed.
Scientific American Special Edition: New Light on the Solar System
This special edition of Scientific American provides the latest developments about our corner of the cosmos, in articles written by the experts who are leading the investigations. Let the pages that follow guide your tour of our solar system, and savor the fact that you can visit these extraordinary nearby worlds and still be home for supper.
Scientific American Extreme Physics II The First Few Microseconds An Echo of Black Holes The Illusion of Gravity The Mysteries of Mass Inconstant Constants Quantum Black Holes The String Theory Landscape
Scientific American, June 2007
Read about INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYBreaking Network Logjams. Network coding could dramatically enhance the efficiency of communications networks. PARTICLE COSMOLOGYWhen Fields Collide. The history of particle cosmology shows that science can benefit from wrenching changes INNOVATIONSSeeing Triple. Anticipated for decades, machines are finally displaying real objects in three true dimensions MEDICINE Lifting the Fog around Anesthesia. Learning why current anesthetics are so potent and sometimes dangerous will lead to a new generation of safer targeted drugs. BIOLOGY
A Simpler Origin for Life. Energy-driven networks of small molecules may be more likely first steps for life than the commonly held idea of the sudden emergence of large self-replicating molecules such as RNA. ECOSYSTEMS
Restoring America's Big, Wild Animals. Pleistocene rewilding--a proposal to bring back animals that disappeared from North America 13,000 years ago--offers an optimistic agenda for 21st-century conservation.