The first book in the field to explore the links between theories of globalization and surveillance, bipower and biopolitics, performance and theatre, computer arts and politics, "The Politics of New Media Theatre" is an investigation into the political role played by the new media theatre. Gabriella Giannachi explores how new media arts constitute themselves as a radical political movement, and presents an analysis of both the role of virtuality in radical performance and politics in virtual and mixed reality practices. This outstanding new work offers an analysis of leading political, philosophical and artistic texts and artworks, and represents a milestone for anyone interested in new technologies, theatre and politics.
This book makes techniques widely used in the field of discourse analysis accessible to a broad audience and illustrates their application in the study of classroom talk. Separate chapters illustrate the analysis of interactional resources such as turn taking, participation frameworks, narrative and contextualization cues, modeling forms of discourse analysis teachers may practice in their classrooms.
In the post-genomic age, much biomedical research looks at when, where, and at what level genes are expressed. Measuring Gene Expression: The Basics is an all-in-one introduction to the main methods of measuring gene expression, including RT-PCR, differential display, RNA interference, reporter genes, microarrays, and proteomics, as well as a section on RNA isolation and analysis. There will be an overview of each method: its pros and cons, sample preparation, sources of error, and data interpretation.
This book focuses on the analysis of language (possibly in conjunction with other semiotic systems) in course of our lives as citizens of established polities of various scopes. It includes social or human sciences (including political science, psychology, sociology, discourse analysis, linguistics, literary and cultural studies, education, etc.) insofar as they deal with discourse as politic behaviour.
Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research provides a comprehensive and comprehensible guide to conducting content analysis research. It establishes a formal definition of quantitative content analysis; gives step-by-step instruction on designing a content analysis study; and explores in depth research questions that recur in content analysis, in such areas as measurement, sampling, reliability, data analysis, validity, and technology. This Second Edition maintains the concise, accessible approach of the first edition while offering an updated discussion and new examples. The goal of this resource is to make content analysis understandable, and to produce a useful guide for novice and experienced researchers alike. Accompanied by detailed, practical examples of current and classic applications, this volume is appropriate for use as a primary text for content analysis coursework, or as a supplemental text in research methods courses. It is also an indispensable reference for researchers in mass communication fields, political science, and other social and behavioral sciences.