Why do golf balls have dimples? What makes people snore? How does a fax work? The answers to these and 1,250 other commonly asked, but hard to explain questions can be found in this volume. Revised and expanded, the second edition of this bestselling book tackles dozens of sci-tech subject areas, including the human body, space, the environment, weights and measures, chemistry and physics, and much more.
The Handy Biology Answer BookThe Handy Biology Answer Book (The Handy Answer Book Series) by James Bobick. Very interesting and concise answers for a range of well-selected biology questions. A fun reading as well as a good reference.
The Handy Weather Answer BookWhat is the difference between sleet and freezing rain? What exactly is wind chill and how is it figured? Here you'll find clear-cut answers to these and more than 1,000 frequently asked questions. A cornucopia of weather facts, this book covers such intrguing topics as hurricanes, thunder and lightning, earthq uakes, volcanoes and other fascinating weather-related phenomena.
What do Pythagoras, Plato, Newton, and Wittgenstein have in common with Jack and the Beanstalk, David and Goliath, the Hare and the Tortoise, and Formula 1 auto racing? Hearing is the clue, and musical science the answer. In his revolutionary sequel
When you work in the field of sexual health, you are asked a lot of questions. Sometimes you know the answer, sometimes you need to call on colleagues for advice. This book is a combination of the knowledge of the authors and the assistance they have received from many people.